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Landcom New Employees Forum has been Held Sucessfully

Publication time : 2017-05-06

The CEO & directors of Landcom Medical with 20 new employees had a meeting in the cafe of Tsinghua Science Park in Xi’an, Shaanxi on 5th, May, 2017. The purpose of this meeting is to promote the understanding and communication between leaders and new employees, and also encourage new employees to work hard together. 


The meeting began with a happy game, all the employees joined actively. The CEO, Mr. Wu gave a speech about the Landcom development plan, and encouraged new employees to perfecting themselves, based on their own jobs , grew up together & moved forward with Landcom company. Then the HR Manager, Ms. Bai shared the development process of Landcom company with new empolyees together. After that, sales directors from different departments shared the characteristics of Landcom products and analyzed the market prospect. At last, the production director shared his developing experience with new employees and give suggestions to new employess to achieve their self-worth. 



This meetting has a positive effect on new emplyees, & improved the employee’s sense of belonging to the company. It is very useful & sucessful. 

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