112 units Jinbei Hiace ambulances delivery ceremony has been celebrated in Landcom Medical company on 23th, May, 2017. The CEO & sales director of Landcom Medical, the leaders of Shaanxi Health & Family Planning Commission, and 200 health workers of Shaanxi Township hospitals & clinics have joined this ceremomy.
The 112 units ambulances have been re-fitted on Jinbei Hiace cars. The ambulances have been re-fitted comform to National Industry Standard of ambulance cars. The ambulances have strechers, oxygen systems, power supply systems & independent air conditioners etc.
The leader of Shaanxi Health & Family Planning Commission & the CEO of Landcom Medical made a speech at the beginning of celebrate ceremony. Landcom Medical has been highly appreciated by the leaders of Shaanxi Health & Family Planning Commission & 200 health workers of Shaanxi Township hospitals & clinics .
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